patron giving FAQ

WarHorse Gaming Patron Giving Program Information and FAQs

What is the WHG Patron Giving Program?

The WHG Patron Giving Program is a community engagement initiative designed to support non-profit organizations through donations from our patrons at the various WarHorse Gaming locations. WHG partners with local non-profit organizations to allow our patrons to donate to causes they care about via our EVERI Ticket Redemption/ATM/Bill Breaker Kiosks.

Who is eligible to apply for the Patron Giving Program?

Non-profit organizations with a valid 501(c)3 status are welcome to apply to the WHG Patron Giving Program.

Organizations must be able to provide three years’ 990 full forms (N, E-Z not acceptable). Organizations cannot be a pass-through; they must be a direct recipient. Organizations cannot have any secular or political affiliations. The organization’s board members are subject to an OFAC check.

Additionally, your organization should serve at least one of the following groups:

  • The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska or its members
  • The State of Nebraska
  • Historically underrepresented groups in Nebraska
  • An area local to the chosen WarHorse Casino location

How many non-profits are selected? 

There are a maximum of four non-profit partners per WHG location.

What is the timeline for the Patron Giving Program?

Applications for the Patron Giving Program are reviewed annually. Applications are due on June 1st. Applications will then undergo a review process with decisions back to the selected organizations by August 1st. Selected organizations will then launch as partners on October 1st. Typically, two non-profit organizations will be selected annually for two-year terms.

  • Applications Due: June 1, 2024
  • Charities Selected: Aug. 1, 2024
  • Charities Live: Oct. 1, 2024 – Sept. 30, 2026
  • Applications Due: June 1, 2025
  • Charities Selected: Aug. 1, 2025
  • Charities Live: Oct. 1, 2025 – Sept. 30, 2027
  • Applications Due: June 1, 2026
  • Charities Selected: Aug. 1, 2026
  • Charities Live: Oct. 1, 2026 – Sept. 30, 2028
  • Applications Due: June 1, 2027
  • Charities Selected: Aug. 1, 2026
  • Charities Live: Oct. 1, 2027 – Sept. 30, 2029

When is the Patron Giving Program application due?

Applications are due on June 1st. Applications will then undergo a review process with decisions back to the selected organizations by August 1st. Selected organizations will then launch as partners on October 1st.

If my organization has already been selected as a Patron Giving Program partner, am I eligible to reapply?

Current Patron Giving Program recipients must wait one year after their engagement ends to reapply to that WHG location’s Patron Giving Program.

Organizations affiliated with the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska exempt from this reapplication stipulation.

Can I apply to be a Patron Giving Partner at different WHG properties?

Yes! Organizations are welcome to apply to be a Patron Giving Partner for our different properties. (Ex: If your organization is currently serving as one of the selected non-profits for WHG Lincoln, the organization may apply for WHG Omaha’s Patron Giving Program.)

What are the priority areas?

WarHorse’s Community Engagement Priority areas are adapted from the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska’s Tribal Priority Areas and include the following:

  • Community Development: Examples include but are not limited to support of projects and programs related to community infrastructure improvements, public safety, economic development, housing, historic preservation, citizen involvement, civic leadership training, and other general community activities.
  • Education: Examples include but are not limited to support for programs in pre-school, elementary and secondary education, post-secondary education, and for special education programs.
  • Elders: Examples include but are not limited to support for programs which address the needs of aging populations, senior citizens, or elders over the age of 55.
  • Health: Examples include but are not limited to support for local health and medical related programs.
  • Jobs: Examples include but are not limited to support for programs and services related to job creation, job training, and career development.
  • Youth: Examples include but are not limited to support for programs which address the needs of children and youth up to age 21.

How will Patron Giving Program applications be reviewed?

Applications will be reviewed annually by WHG. Some of the application review criteria include congruence with priority areas, severity of need, community impact, and geographic service area.

How do I apply for the Patron Giving Program?

Organizations interested in applying to the Patron Giving Program may fill out an application. The application can be found at Applications are due on June 1st.

Can I apply if my organization is not based in the same city as a WHG location?

Yes, your organization does not have to be located in the same city as a WHG location, but the organization should serve at least one of the following groups:

  • The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska or its members
  • The State of Nebraska
  • Historically underrepresented groups in Nebraska
  • An area local to the chosen WarHorse Casino location

Are there any restrictions on how the donated funds can be used by the non-profit organizations?

Donated funds should be used for programmatic support, not administrative costs.

How are the donation amounts determined for each non-profit partner?

Donation amounts and are derived from patron giving and vary month to month. Our patrons fully direct their donation to one or all of our Patron Giving Partners.

Is there a limit to the number of times an organization can apply for the Patron Giving Program?

While there is no limit to the number of times an organization can apply for the Patron Giving Program, current Patron Giving Program recipients must wait one year after their engagement ends to reapply to that WHG location’s Patron Giving Program.

Organizations affiliated with the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska exempt from this reapplication stipulation.

Additional questions? Contact us at